The 12 principles of permaculture ~ The Medicine

The 12 principles of permaculture

1. Observe and interact
As a first principle permaculture places to observe and then take action on the situation and the environment. The phrase that supports this principle is "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

2. Collect and conserve energy
As a second principle permaculture remember to preserve, collect, accumulate and retain more energy as possible in the system. The phrase that represents this principle is "preparing the hay while the sun shines."

3. Make sure a harvest
The third principle of permaculture is the intention to carry out all those behaviors, all practices and actions that lead to a fruiting, to a harvest. The phrase that represents this principle is "you can not work on an empty stomach."

4. Apply self-regulation and accept feedback
As a fourth principle permaculture want to learn self-regulation through the return response from the environment and the ecosystem in total that sends the signal positive or negative after an intervention.
The phrase that embodies this principle is "the sins of the fathers upon the children will fall until the seventh generation" and is therefore indicating that any act, modification and intervention will have some changes for the future.

5. Use and emphasizes renewable resources and services
As fifth principle permaculture aims to promote and use renewable resources and services within the system and the phrase that encompasses this idea is "let nature take its course."

6. Do not produce waste
The sixth principle of permaculture is very straightforward: the non-production of waste and waste, everything is in the loop and remains in it as a resource to manage and use. The phrase that represents this principle is "a stitch in time saves 100".

7. Design the model retail
As a seventh principle permaculture suggests the purpose of evaluating the whole design as a whole together, and even in the smallest detail and its changes and developments in the future.
The phrase indicates that this principle is "the trees are not forests" and we can well understand that everything is related to the other elements and each entity makes up the big picture.

8. Integra instead of separating
As eighth principle permaculture wants to ensure that every intervention is integrated and connected in the context without fragmentation or separation with the other parts of the system. The sentence that exposes the concept is "many hands make light work."

9. Small and slow is more beautiful
As ninth principle permaculture offers us to rediscover the beauty of the little things, cycles that run their own harmonic time and in details and nuances you can review the beauty of the cosmos.
The phrase that represents this principle is "more is more big noise are falling." We might add, "Slow and steady away."

10. Use and values ​​diversity
How tenth principle permaculture identifies the strength in diversity because its uniqueness and the singular specificity you can have many chances of success in an integrated ecosystem.
The phrase indicates that this principle is "do not put all your eggs in one basket" as if they are all the same it is easy to break all.

11. Use and enhances the margin
How eleventh principle permaculture focuses on the margin, which is the area of ​​transition from one environment to another, but also the symbol between two different entities that just along the border area are mixed and create more diversity.
The phrase that represents this principle is "stop thinking of being on the right track just because it's the busiest."

12. React to change and use them creatively
As a twelfth principle permaculture wants to spur people to become resilient, ie to develop the ability to change and adapt to change and to do so in a creative and positive.

The phrase that embodies the principle is "we must learn to see things not only as they are but also how they will be."

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