The Medicine

mardi 15 octobre 2024

Are Psychopaths Capable of Loving Their Own Children?

 The Dark Triad of personality traits (DTP) consists of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. These traits manifest as excessive self-love, manipulative behavior, and a lack of empathy. Psychopaths are often deeply self-centered, leading to abusive relationships. Their partners are frequently the first victims—manipulated, exploited, and abruptly devalued before being discarded. But what about their children? Are they treated the same way, or is it different?

According to Perpetua Neo, a psychologist and therapist specializing in DTP, the answer is no. "Narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths lack empathy and cannot develop it. As a result, they never truly love anyone," she explained to Business Insider. "This doesn’t change when they have children. There is no primal instinct to protect or nurture their offspring because they don't see them as independent beings but as tools for their use." Neo adds, "Rather than saying, 'I will nurture you so you can become the amazing person you're meant to be,' a psychopath will think, 'You’re supposed to grow up and become my trophy.'"

The environment in which the child grows up is thus unhealthy: the child is unable to develop an independent sense of self and is burdened by the parent’s emotional distress. "Narcissists, for instance, tend to be deeply unhappy people with low self-esteem, dumping unnecessary emotional baggage onto their children," the psychologist explains.

A psychopath views their child as their "property," using them as an emotional outlet or sounding board as the child grows. "Some patients have told me that their parents said, 'The only reason I had you was so you could take care of me for the rest of my life,'" Neo notes. The psychopath also protects their "trophy," their possession: "You’re not allowed to have children," says Neo, "and you’re not allowed to get married. The parent will interfere in all kinds of relationships, stirring up drama to ensure the child remains single."

This toxic relationship becomes increasingly challenging as the child matures. As the child grows stronger and more self-aware, the parent becomes more fragile and, in response, attacks the child’s self-confidence to maintain control. "In the eyes of the psychopath, the child must be devalued. The parent will say things like, 'You’re fat, you’re useless, or you’re ugly.'"

On the other hand, when the child achieves something, the parent must take credit. "Everything always circles back to them," Neo explains. "As a result, the child grows up thinking, 'I have no say, and I don’t matter.'"

Do children of psychopaths end up becoming like their parents? "This only happens in a minority of cases," writes psychotherapist Michelle Piper. "Some children develop 'siege responses,' becoming emotionally withdrawn, highly independent, and less sensitive to others. They may manipulate others as if they were parents demanding their needs be met." However, Piper notes, "The most common response is 'compliance,' where the child learns to set aside their own needs and bend over backward to please others."

Children of narcissists, in particular, tend to exhibit "this compulsion to serve others," the psychologist concludes. "They become hyper-empathic, overly generous, and often remain trapped in relationships with narcissists throughout their lives."

The emotional and psychological impact of such family dynamics is profound and long-lasting. Growing up under the control of a narcissistic or psychopathic parent distorts the child’s sense of self and worldview. These children often suppress their emotions and ignore their needs, developing hypervigilance and a tendency to anticipate others’ reactions to avoid conflict. This coping mechanism can lead to toxic relational patterns in adulthood, where they unconsciously replicate behaviors of submission or, conversely, hyper-control, in an attempt to reclaim the sense of power they never had during childhood.

mercredi 25 septembre 2024

Blue Scorpion Venom: A Potential Cancer Cure?

 The blue scorpion, a unique arachnid found exclusively in Cuba, has recently captured the attention of scientists due to the discovery of specific molecules within its venom that could potentially treat certain forms of cancer.

For over two decades, many Cuban doctors have been treating their cancer patients with blue scorpion (Rhopalurus junceus) venom, renowned for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. While results vary from patient to patient, many report reduced pain and increased energy levels.

The blue scorpion (Heteroctenus junceus) is a nocturnal species belonging to the Buthidae family and is endemic to Cuba, where it primarily inhabits dry, rocky areas. Like most scorpions, its body is divided into three sections: the cephalothorax (head and legs), the abdomen (central part), and the metasoma (tail).

Despite its name, the Heteroctenus junceus is not as blue as one might think. Depending on its age and environment, its coloration can range from brown, reddish, or orange, with grayish or bluish hues.

Due to its bioactive components (peptides, toxins, and proteins), blue scorpion venom possesses various properties that have piqued the interest of researchers, particularly for its potential medical applications. These include analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, combined with potential anticancer properties.

Preliminary studies have suggested that the venom of this Cuban scorpion species may exhibit a cytotoxic effect on certain cancer cells, including those of lung, brain, breast, and colon cancer. The venom also appears to spare healthy cells, making it a promising candidate for the development of alternative cancer treatments.

The state-owned pharmaceutical laboratory Labiofam, based in Havana, is preparing to launch a homeopathic version of the drug and aims to flood the global market. Currently, only a few countries, including China, have authorized the commercialization of this venom-based treatment.

The Oldest Forest on Earth is Nearly 400 Million Years Old

 The recent discovery of tree fossils in southwestern England has revealed the existence of what is now considered the oldest known forest on Earth. These fossils, dating back 390 million years, surpass in age those of the fossil forest of Gilboa, in New York State, which dated to 386 million years. This finding, which challenges our understanding of early forest ecosystems, marks an important milestone in the study of forest evolution on our planet.

The evolution of trees and forests during the Devonian period played a crucial role in transforming our planet. By stabilizing the soil and interacting with the atmosphere and water cycles, trees profoundly altered terrestrial environments.

Starting in the mid-Givetian era (around 387 to 382 million years ago), a group of trees called lignophytes (the ancestors of modern trees that possess wood) became particularly influential in natural processes. However, the impact of earlier forests, primarily composed of cladoxylopsids (prehistoric trees that were not as woody as lignophytes), is less understood, which makes this new discovery all the more significant.

In a new study, a team of scientists reveals the existence of a 390-million-year-old cladoxylopsid forest in the Eifelian sandstone formation of Hangman, located in the Somerset and Devon regions of southwestern England. Previously, this area was considered to be of little paleobotanical interest, meaning in terms of plant fossils.

However, in addition to revealing the first fossils of this type of tree in the British record, this research also sheds light on the earliest evidence of the spatial arrangement of trees, which, simply put, constitutes the oldest known "fossil forest."

This ancient forest appears to have hosted only one species of plant. These plants looked similar to palm trees, with a long central stem and branches resembling palm fronds, though they were actually clusters of small branches. These trees, standing between two and four meters tall, made up a relatively low forest by today's standards.

The preservation methods of these fossilized trees are remarkable: some were preserved as hollow trunks filled with sediment, while others, fallen logs, were compressed over millennia, forming molds within the sediments. These fossils, still bearing the marks of branches, offer a unique glimpse into the structure and composition of these ancient trees.

It’s worth noting that at this time, present-day England was part of the Laurentia continent, near the equator, and thus enjoyed a warm and dry climate.

Moreover, this forest not only represents the first trees to have grown densely and closely together, but it also marks an ecosystem where the first terrestrial arthropods began to emerge. Researchers found traces of these small creatures in the sediments surrounding the fossilized trees, indicating early biodiversity.

This discovery will have major implications for our understanding of the evolution of forest ecosystems on Earth. It upends our understanding of early forests by revealing an ecosystem far older and more complex than previously thought. The existence of this fossil forest, with its prehistoric trees and traces of arthropods, offers an unprecedented glimpse into the biodiversity that was developing 390 million years ago. It also highlights the key role that these early environments played in transforming our planet. The analysis of these fossils opens new perspectives on the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems and the interaction between plant and animal life at that time.

lundi 13 juillet 2015

New Horizons Pluto Flyby

This graphic presents a view of Pluto and Charon as they would appear if placed slightly above Earth's surface and viewed from a great distance. Recent measurements obtained by New Horizons indicate that Pluto has a diameter of 2370 km, 18.5% that of Earth's, while Charon has a diameter of 1208 km, 9.5% that of Earth's.

samedi 4 juillet 2015

Cinnamon, vitamins and minerals to balance the hormones and metabolism and lose weight

A weight loss supplement latest generation starring the fragrant cinnamon, as a nutrient that contains useful substances to give a boost to the metabolism slowed: several studies have shown that a teaspoon of cinnamon added to food can increase the rate of metabolism of more than 20 times .

Besides having excellent antiseptic properties - eliminates fungi, viruses and bacteria - in fact cinnamon helps the body fight the metabolic syndrome, especially when it comes to burning carbohydrates and fats. The metabolic syndrome is manifested precisely through the increase in the amount of fat, insulin, the raising of the pressure and cholesterol, all symptoms associated with both metabolism problems.

In addition to cinnamon, also substances such as carnitine, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, B vitamins and other micronutrients help regulate the hormones that govern appetite control and regulate the sense of hunger.

The major problem of the diets in fact is to have constantly hungry and want to eat processed carbohydrates, leading to weight gain; This desire is not physiological but derived from hormonal imbalances and bad habits.

An efficient body would naturally be more inclined to want nutritious food and helpful and it's pretty interesting to see how the desire for refined carbohydrates decreases naturally when your metabolism is placed.

dimanche 7 juin 2015

Halitosis, the ideal diet and the right foods to fight it

To prevent halitosis and combat it, it is advisable to follow a balanced and healthy diet, favoring the consumption of whole grains, easily digestible protein (eg eggs and fresh fish of small size), fruit and vegetables in season.

When halitosis is due to excessive stomach acid should be careful, however, to limit the consumption of fruit, which could ferment, contributing, in this way, to the disorder.

Also among the rewards, however, they are very helpful in keeping food fresh breath; strawberries, for example, contain xylitol, a substance that helps prevent the formation of dental plaque. The raw apples, however, eliminate from the mouth components which confer an unpleasant odor to the breath, such as, for example, the allyl sulfur.

A natural remedy, simple and effective way to fight bad breath is to chew a few leaves of fresh peppermint; take a plant on the balcony can be therefore a practical idea-saving breath.

Obviously, regardless of diet, if you do not care oral hygiene you can not fight halitosis. Besides keeping always clean the teeth and, more generally, the oral cavity, it is important periodically to travel to the dentist for a more thorough cleaning and for a control that excludes the presence of caries.

Garlic and halitosis

Garlic, you know, is not conducive to a good breath smell and in fact we have just mentioned among the foods that can cause halitosis.
Garlic, however, is very healthy and it would be a shame to exclude completely from the diet because of its bad smell.

So what? It should combine the right foods. It has indeed been observed that lemonade, green tea, mint, parsley and, in general, foods rich in polyphenols help to neutralize the odor; contain, in fact, enzymes capable of accelerating the breaking of the sulfur compounds that underlie it.

Halitosis, foods to avoid

Bad breath is an annoying disturbance, which can embarrass and affect your social life. Let's see how to fight bad breath with the diet and the right foods.

Bad breath is a disorder more common than you think; about half the people who suffer, at least periodically, in a more or less marked.

If bad breath is not pathological, that is, when it is secondary to a disease, much can be done with proper oral hygiene and with the right diet.

Halitosis, which exclude food from the diet
The main causes of halitosis are transient improper oral hygiene and the consumption of foods that favor it.

Have a negative effect on the odor of the breath all the foods that weigh down digestion:

   > White sugar, sweets and sugary drinks;
   > Red meat, smoked, and bagged;
   > Excess milk and aged cheeses or very tasty;
   > All products too refined;
   > Fries.

Other foods that can cause bad breath are garlic, onion, leek and spices.

To combat halitosis is advisable to limit greatly the consumption of coffee and alcohol, including wine and beer.

One of the common causes of halitosis is cigarette smoking; therefore, those who want to have a fresh breath should not smoke.

vendredi 5 juin 2015

Exercises to combat cellulite

Practical exercises of gymnastics to combat cellulite and straight to find the serenity and not succumb to the stress acting on the very state of inflammation. From squats to walk up to breathing and hydration.

To combat cellulite does not get any better than physical activity.

Here then is the advice with practical exercises cellulite.

Exercises to combat cellulite

Practical exercises against cellulite
The first exercise for cellulite is incredibly simple and effective: walking, also a favorite activity from the brain, as well as the cardiovascular system. Putting one foot after the other, pushing well, using all roulade of the foot favors the pumping of blood.

Yes exercises natural load combined with the use of strength machines or free weights. It takes light loads and repetitions must be functional training, not exaggerated or overly taxing on the muscles. The objective is that of a workout intended to increase of lean body mass and a stimulation of the metabolism.

This means that, once they leave the weight room, you must devote aerobic activity of moderate intensity, to encourage the disposal of lactic acid, microcirculation and tissue oxygenation.

For those who love to ride a bike or do spinning, careful spending too much time on the bike to avoid compromising the circulation to the buttocks, one of the body regions most affected by blemishing.

READ HERE >> The three exercises who fight cellulite

Gymnastic exercises of the spirit for cellulite
It seems absurd, and yet, in addition to suggesting exercises per se, it also takes a depth of exercises that are useful for the spirit. The first, by far is rest. Yes aerobic activity and working out with weights and gear, yes to long walks, but also give yourself time to rest, maybe with the legs upwards. Other spiritual exercise of great importance: breathe. See if your breath is short. Stretch it, to love yourself and your tissues.

Also drinking. When the thirst is felt, we really thirsty for some time. A liter and a half a day is the minimum amount of water to be taken, perhaps without food order not to dilute the digestive juices, allow good diuresis and optimal elimination of toxins.

Finally: automassaggiarsi. It is a wonderful way to learn about themselves and give themselves a chance to see real progress, progress. Warm your hands by rubbing them together and dedicate the precious minutes just for yourself, you are with your skin. Try to always massage from the bottom up to help the blood flow and in areas corresponding to the main lymph nodes, be mild and resolved together.

The three exercises who fight cellulite

1- Squat

Noto anche come accosciata o rear squat, a corpo libero o con bilanciere. Andrebbe eseguito senza proiettare le ginocchia in avanti, specie se lo si sta eseguendo con il bilanciere. Il busto non si inclina eccessivamente in avanti e non si inarca la cervicale.

Le ginocchia non vanno portate all'interno. Non pensate alle ginocchia, ma pensate al bacino e ai glutei che devono essere proiettati indietro, quasi si volesse raggiungere la posizione seduta.

2- Leg press Horizontal

It is performed in a sitting position on the machine, with knees bent and feet flat on the platform. Back and the back of the buttocks are in contact with the backrest. Slowly bend your legs up to the maximum permitted point, with the quads of nearly bust. It goes, therefore, the footrest to its initial position. After a moment of muscle contraction back down again.

This exercise allows you to work on the entire quadriceps muscle acting on the medial-wide internal and externally and the rectus femoris. The group of secondary muscles involved: the buttocks and back of the thighs (hamstrings).

3- lunges

What are the side, front, in advance or reverse, it is important to know how to perform with the right breathing. You can then move on to lunges with the barbell or dumbbells. The most common are those fronts. It starts from the standing position and the legs together, toes pointing forward, hands on hips. A bust and back stop, it takes a step forward with the right leg and held at 45 °.

Simultaneously he flexes the left knee almost touches the ground. From there, lifting the heel off the ground, ridatevi the momentum to return to the starting position. The exercise should be concentrated on the rear leg to tone the buttocks. Every day do three sets of 10 lunges for each leg.