The three exercises who fight cellulite

1- Squat

Noto anche come accosciata o rear squat, a corpo libero o con bilanciere. Andrebbe eseguito senza proiettare le ginocchia in avanti, specie se lo si sta eseguendo con il bilanciere. Il busto non si inclina eccessivamente in avanti e non si inarca la cervicale.

Le ginocchia non vanno portate all'interno. Non pensate alle ginocchia, ma pensate al bacino e ai glutei che devono essere proiettati indietro, quasi si volesse raggiungere la posizione seduta.

2- Leg press Horizontal

It is performed in a sitting position on the machine, with knees bent and feet flat on the platform. Back and the back of the buttocks are in contact with the backrest. Slowly bend your legs up to the maximum permitted point, with the quads of nearly bust. It goes, therefore, the footrest to its initial position. After a moment of muscle contraction back down again.

This exercise allows you to work on the entire quadriceps muscle acting on the medial-wide internal and externally and the rectus femoris. The group of secondary muscles involved: the buttocks and back of the thighs (hamstrings).

3- lunges

What are the side, front, in advance or reverse, it is important to know how to perform with the right breathing. You can then move on to lunges with the barbell or dumbbells. The most common are those fronts. It starts from the standing position and the legs together, toes pointing forward, hands on hips. A bust and back stop, it takes a step forward with the right leg and held at 45 °.

Simultaneously he flexes the left knee almost touches the ground. From there, lifting the heel off the ground, ridatevi the momentum to return to the starting position. The exercise should be concentrated on the rear leg to tone the buttocks. Every day do three sets of 10 lunges for each leg.


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