Survey Shows Two Thirds Of Migraine Sufferers Dissatisfied ~ The Medicine

dimanche 18 mai 2014

Survey Shows Two Thirds Of Migraine Sufferers Dissatisfied

Survey Shows Two Thirds Of Migraine Sufferers Dissatisfied
Survey Shows Two Thirds Of Migraine Sufferers Dissatisfied

If you haven’t found relief for migraine, you’re not alone. About 28 million people suffer from the severe, throbbing pain of migraine, which can last from hours to days, keeping sufferers from family, work and daily life.

Yet, two-thirds of patients say they are less than satisfied with their current treatment, according to a survey of 3,064 migraine sufferers conducted by Pfizer. Sufferers may often feel discouraged and unmotivated to discuss the pain and impact with others, even their doctors.

To help sufferers overcome barriers that can prevent them from seeking effective pain relief, life coach and migraine sufferer Rhonda Britten is speaking out as part of a new education campaign sponsored by Pfizer.

“The impact of migraine on a person’s life can be tremendous,” said Britten, star of the reality show “Starting Over.” “But many are living with pain because they have become too frustrated to do anything more to help themselves.”

Applying problem-solving techniques that she developed through her Fearless Living Institute, Britten has created a series of exercises to motivate sufferers to talk with their physicians. Specifically, the tools take sufferers though a step-by-step process to help them assess the impact of migraine on their daily lives, identify why they have not taken action to find adequate pain relief, and ultimately have more productive discussions with their doctors. The tools are available in a free brochure called “Be Stronger Than Your Migraine,” by calling (866) 519-0300.

Dr. Dion Graybeal, assistant professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, agrees that too many migraine patients suffer needlessly.

“Patients must play an active role in seeking out the care they need,” Graybeal said. “Even sufferers who feel like they have ‘tried everything’ may not be aware of all the treatment options available to them. Patients need to feel comfortable talking to their doctor to find what is right for them.”

Vanessa Simmons, 27, has had migraine since high school.

“I assumed that all treatments worked the same so I didn’t go back to my doctor to tell her that I wasn’t getting relief,” she said. “Thankfully, I finally opened up about the impact migraine continued to have on my life and worked with my doctor to identify the right treatment for me.”

The new brochure is part of the free tool kit developed by Pfizer, “Understanding in a Box,” that also includes tips for family and friends, information about effective treatment, and the children’s book “Mama Lion’s Migraine.”

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