What the World Eats a Day ~ The Medicine

mercredi 29 avril 2015

What the World Eats a Day

Did you know that the average person, worldwide, consumes around 1,860 grams of food per day? And did you know that Americans consume about 50 percent more than the globalaverage?

It’s true. The typical plate around the world — if you want to look at what you chowed down on today and compare your own diet — comprises nine percent meat, 22 percent grains, 39 percent produce, 15 percent dairy and eggs, and a 15 percent block of sugar, fat, alcohol, and pulses.

As this video points out, stateside we eat twice as much meat as the average global citizen, and less grain. And — maybe no surprise, here — U.S. citizens take in proportionally more dairy, eggs, sugar, and fat.

How do other countries compare? Well, folks in the U.K. eat less sugar and fat, and more produce. Brazilians eat less food, generally. Chinese people eat the most produce, and Indian citizens eat a diet that is only 2 percent meat.

It’s a curious look at what dinner looks like around the world.

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