Avocado, properties and benefits ~ The Medicine

mardi 12 mai 2015

Avocado, properties and benefits

Avocado, ally

Apparatus heart, nervous system, liver, colon, skin, hair, eyes.
Avocado: first name
The word ahuacatl, hence avocado comes from the Aztec Nahuatl language spoken by the Aztecs. Indigenous Central and South America cultivated this fruit before the arrival of Christopher Columbus and chose a name that would evoke morphology. Also called alligator pear, the avocado was described by the conquistadors as a result "plentiful, with flesh like butter and characterized by an excellent flavor."

Avocado: tell him
It must be purchased when it is ripe. How to check? Look and touch the fruit should be soft with a light finger pressure. If the avocado is still immature, to accelerate the ripening close it inside a paper bag and keep it at room temperature for 3-5 days. If it is already rather mature you can keep refrigerated for up to 5-6 days.

Properties avocado
Excellent source of calcium and potassium, avocados also contain significant amounts of fiber and monounsaturated fats, which are useful to combat diabetes and defend your heart.
Avocado balances very quickly the level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, with its vegetable fats that reduce the time of permanence of blood cholesterol: it benefits the whole cardiovascular system, especially as regards' balance of blood pressure. Inexhaustible source of vitamins: A (useful for the view), B1 (antinevritica), B2 (for the growth and well-being), and also D, E, K, H, PP. Its use is particularly suitable for children and for those who follow a vegetarian diet. It has aromatic properties, digestive and helps counteract dysentery, being an excellent astringent.

You can also explore the properties and benefits of avocado oil
Did you know that
- Wise is the mother who feeds herself and the little that is carrying with avocado. Folic acid helps prevent birth defects in the nervous system, serious birth defects of the brain and spinal cord; means fruit contains 57 micrograms, corresponding to 14% of the daily requirement;

- Researchers at the department of applied biochemistry at the University of Shizuoka, Japan, administered a substance toxic to the liver, the galactosamine, in experimental rats and then fed them with various kinds of fruits mixed with the usual feed. The fruit that showed greater ability to slow liver damage from toxin was found to be just the avocado.


A recipe up his sleeve
The avocado is a food taste sweet, good to enhance savory recipes. It lends itself not only to the preparation of sauces, such as guacamole, for light appetizers or early summer dishes like pasta with avocado and mozzarella di bufala.

They need 400 grams of pasta, 6 anchovy fillets, 1 buffalo mozzarella 300g., 1 ripe avocado, juice of half a lemon, two tender leaves of celery, 1 orange untreated, 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

At work: Cut the mozzarella into cubes, celery strips, divide the avocado in half, remove the core and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix the oil with the zest and orange juice. Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water, drain and dress with oil flavored with orange. Add the mozzarella, avocado, celery, anchovy fillets. Mix all ingredients and pepper and serve, proud and smiling.

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