The 12 principles of permaculture ~ The Medicine

jeudi 14 mai 2015

The 12 principles of permaculture

In permaculture there are 12 basic principles that sustain the model permacultural. Each principle is before any intervention in the design and permaculture. Let's meet these 12 foundations permaculturali.

Permaculture is a design pattern and organization of agricultural activities and who want to develop a permanent ecological system, the maximum efficiency (no waste) for humans, living beings and the environment.

The concept of permaculture comes first as permanent agriculture and then as a permanent culture in an environment. In the 70's the founder of the concept, Bill Mollison, begins to create, test and disseminate the design according to the principles of permaculture.

The three areas of competence that permaculture focuses on are:
• care for the earth
• care for people
• the sharing of resources (set limits to consumption and redistribute surplus).

These three aims are the basis of all the permaculture and are developed in the 12 guiding principles. We're going to know them.Permaculture is a design pattern and organization of agricultural activities and who want to develop a permanent ecological system, the maximum efficiency (no waste) for humans, living beings and the environment.

The concept of permaculture comes first as permanent agriculture and then as a permanent culture in an environment. In the 70's the founder of the concept, Bill Mollison, begins to create, test and disseminate the design according to the principles of permaculture.

The three areas of competence that permaculture focuses on are:
• care for the earth
• care for people
• the sharing of resources (set limits to consumption and redistribute surplus).

These three aims are the basis of all the permaculture and are developed in the 12 guiding principles. We're going to know them.

Continue reading The 12 principles of permaculture


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