Home Remedies For Head Lice ~ The Medicine

jeudi 12 juin 2014

Home Remedies For Head Lice

Home Remedies For Head Lice
Home Remedies For Head Lice

One of the most common parasites to be found on our body is the head lice (Pediculus capitis). We are its humble hosts on whom these parasitical insects thrive. These are found mainly on the scalp which also happens to find its way on your neck and face. The six shaft like legs grasps the hair for better movement. Head lice reflect lack of hygiene and sanitation but many a times that is not the case. Children are most common hosts for these parasites due to the daily interaction with number of children. A simple head-to-head contact with the infested person can open the Pandora’s Box.

Other ways and means to transfer this condition is by used combs, sharing towels, hats similar products related to your hair. Lice could not survive for more than 24-hours without feeding. Their main source of energy is by sucking blood from the host’s body. You can find three forms of lice- the egg also known as nit, the nymph and the adult. The common symptom once infected by head lice is a tickling sensation felt in the hair as well as constant itching due to the bites. You can find different types of lice like head lice, body lice and pubic lice.

Self-Care Measures

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