How To Stop Migraine Headaches Now

How To Stop Migraine Headaches Now
How To Stop Migraine Headaches Now

“The good news is I feel much, much better after taking the course you prescribed and I thank you very much for your help and advice”…?

They are a common type of chronic headache. They most commonly occur in women and usually begin between the ages of 10 and 46. In some cases, they appear to run in families.

Migraine is the cause of 20 per cent of all headaches. This type of headache occurs when blood vessels of the head and neck constrict, resulting in a decrease in blood flow to the vessels. Migraine is usually experienced as a throbbing pain on one side of the head with an associated feeling of sickness and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines are known to affect more women than men and are often chronic. Below are some of the factors that have been identified as being associated with migraines

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