Precautionary Measures For Hernia

Precautionary Measures For Hernia
Precautionary Measures For Hernia

Hernia is an opening in the muscular structure of the wall of the abdomen. The weakness in the wall causes damage to the abdominal wall leading to protrusion through the thin membrane. The bulging contents usually remain in the naturally formed cavity. The contents of protrusion are mainly portions of intestines or abdominal fatty tissue. Even though theory mentions that hernia can occur anywhere but, the common region of occurrence is the abdominal area.

Small hernias are not much of a threat to you. But large hernias can cause heartburn and chest pain. They all run at a risk of getting their blood supply cut off, which is one of the problematic issues to deal with. When the contents in the hernia sac faces shortage of blood, it becomes a serious issue leading to surgical assistance.

There are different types of hernia

- Inguinal hernia

- Indirect inguinal hernia

- Direct inguinal hernia

- Femoral hernia

- Umbilical hernia

- Incisional hernia

- Spigelian hernia

- Obturator hernia

- Epigastric hernia

Some of the common causes leading to hernia

- Umbilical hernia can be present at birth

- Obesity

- Lifting weights

- Coughing

- Straining during a bowel movement or urination

- Lung disease

- Presence of fluid in abdominal cavity

- Hereditary

- Pressure on abdomen during pregnancy

The signs and symptoms of hernia depend mainly on the type of hernia you are affected by.

- Heartburn, worse when bending over or lying down

- Chest pain

- Belching

- Soreness of the groin or pain in the groin by bending

- A painless lump

- Swollen or tender protrusion

- Difficulty in swallowing

- Chest pain

- Blockage of the esophagus


- Reduce your food intake

- Avoid bending or lying after your meal

- Stop smoking

- Prevent activities like lifting, coughing which increases intra-abdominal pressure leading to severe risk of hernia

- Avoid alcohol

- Keep off from foods which are hard to digest

- Avoid depression

- Do not wear tight clothes


- Eat food rich in fiber in the form of fruits, vegetables and grains

- Drink plenty of fluids to prevent constipation

- Exercise regularly

- Sweat and loose excess toxin

- Join laughter club

- Eat six small meals instead of 3 big meals

- Have grains like barley and millet

- Consume vegetables like cabbage, dandelion, sweet potatoes, artichoke

- Have herbs in your diet like fennel, cumin, asafetida, mint, parsley, arrowroot, aloe vera and many more.


- Eat Cayenne pepper

- Drink warm tea in hot room and sweat it out

- Keep a cloth soaked in rupturewort tea to the affected area for some relief

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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